Sunday, March 2, 2014

#25 Phelps Mountain and #26 Mount Marcy, New York

In early August of 2013, the Presidential traverse crew teamed back up to tackle a proposed 25+ miles and 6 or 7 high peaks in the Adirondacks.  Unfortunately, the weather was not as kind to us this time around and we had to cut the day short.  

We started at the Adirondack Loj and hiked in to Marcy Dam.  It was cloudy, overcast, and raining slightly.  We headed up the trail toward Mt. Marcy and took the side trail to Phelps Mountain.  It was a pretty miserable 1.2 mile stretch up to Phelps with the entire trail basically turning into a waterfall.  At the top of Phelps the three of us decided that we'd continue on to Marcy and then call it a day, forgetting about the 4 or 5 other peaks we initially wanted to hit.  We decided that there would be plenty of other opportunities.

The trail up to Mt. Marcy, though long, is quite manageable.  There really aren't too many overly steep sections.  On this particular day, though, it was cold, rainy, and view-less, and we were all ready to tag the summit and head back down.  After Sara dislocated her knee scrambling over a rock at the summit of Marcy, we all agreed that we had made the right decision to shorten up the day.  The only bad part was that we were now 7.5 miles from the car with a group member with a dislocated knee.  Fortunately, as mentioned before, the trail wasn't too difficult, and Sara was a trooper.  We all made it down in one piece.

All in all, it was great to be at the high point of New York State, but I'm looking forward to being able to hike Marcy on a clear day, tagging some other summits along the way.  No pictures.  It was miserable.

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