Sunday, March 2, 2014

#27 Wright Peak and #28 Iroquois Peak

Less than a week after the miserable Mt. Marcy hike, I headed back over to the Adirondacks to meet my dad to hike Wright, Algonquin, and Iroquois.  Although I had already hit Algonquin, hiking over the top of it is the only way to get to Iroquois.  I also hadn't hit Wright.  My dad had done both Wright and Algonquin, so he planned to skip Wright and focus on getting over Algonquin to get to Iroquois.

Though the weather wasn't quite as bad as the Mt. Marcy day, it wasn't great.  It was misting at several points throughout the day, but never truly full-on raining, which prevented the trail from getting too wet to travel on.  One we hit the junction for Wright Peak about 3 miles in, I ventured off to tag the summit and my dad continued on to Algonquin.  As you can see, it was so cloudy on Wright I couldn't tell what direction was what!

After tagging the summit I headed back down to the trail junction and up to Algonquin, where I found my dad huddled behind a few rocks trying to stay out of the wind.  We headed along the herd path about a mile or so to Iroquois.  Very little views from Iroquois, but another summit tagged!  We headed back up to Algonquin and made our way back down to trail to our car.  The waterfall below would have been nicer with some sun in the background, but still pretty beautiful.  

Not the greatest day weather-wise, but two more high peaks under my belt and a great day up in the high country with my dad!

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