Wednesday, February 26, 2014

#1 Camel's Hump, Vermont

Although as a kid I always enjoyed hikes with my family, it wasn't until I was in college that I bagged my first 4,000 footer.  It seems quite fitting that my first 4,000 footer is still my favorite.  I think the primary reason is that it is the only 4,000 foot peak in Vermont accessible only by foot.  No gondolas, no chairlifts, and no auto roads.  As a lover of mountains, I support any form of mountain exploration, but the allure of a mountaintop accessible only to hikers is something quite special. 

By now, I've probably hiked Camel's Hump several dozen times, but I never get sick of it.  I've hiked it straight up and down the Burrow's trail, I've done the Forest City, Long Trail, and Burrows loop, and I've hiked it as part of an overnight trip on the Long Trail.  My favorite ascent, however, has to be hiking it from the Long Trail southbound starting at the Winooski River in Jonesville.  It makes for a wonderful 12.5 mile day hike, made even better on a clear, sunny, winter day. 

My very first hike of Camel's Hump was a 2.4 mile ascent of the Burrows Trail, a 1.9 mile traverse of the Long Trail, and 1.3 mile section of the Forest City trail.  Although a great loop, if I were to hike it now I would do it in reverse. 

Here is a series of pictures from my Camel's Hump hikes over the years.

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