Thursday, February 27, 2014

#7 Algonquin Peak, New York

After living in New York City for several years, it wasn't until May of 2013 that I got my next 4,000 footer.  I remember having this out-of-nowhere realization that I had spent so much of my life staring across the lake at the Adirondacks, but had yet to conquer any of the high peaks.  It was time to change that.  Sara and I headed across the lake on a weekend day back in March of 2013 and pulled in to the Adirondack Loj, just outside of Lake Placid.  We took the trail from Heart Lake up to Algonquin Peak, about 8 miles round trip, tagging the second highest summit in NY.  The views were minimal and unfortunately I didn't snap any photos.  However, a great day to be on the mountains, and a feeling of accomplishment, having finally conquered one of the high peaks of the Adirondacks.

A word of warning to those hoping to hike the Adirondacks in the winter: bring skis or snowshoes!  Hikers greatly frown upon post-holers, even when the trail is so packed down that post-holing is impossible.  Lesson learned.

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