Thursday, February 27, 2014

#9 Giant Mountain and #10 Rocky Ridge Peak, New York

On an early June day in 2013, I got up early, drove down to Rutland, and ran a 10k with my dad.  After going out to breakfast, I started heading back up to Burlington.  However, the weather was just too good to pass up, so I dipped west and headed across the lake to the Adirondacks.  I had no plans and no particular peaks in mind, so I parked at the first high peak parking area I hit on route 73, which ended up being Giant Mountain.

I had a ton of energy and a very lightweight pack, so I kept a quick pace up the mountain.  While Giant gives an amazing panorama of the other high peaks, I was a little disappointed that it wasn't a 360 view.  About .2 of a mile from the summit there is a side trail that heads over to Rocky Ridge Peak after about 1.2 miles.  The trail dips way down and then way back up.  I'm guessing it loses and then gains over 1,000 feet in that short 1.2 miles.  However, I was rewarded on Rocky Ridge with stunning 360 views, looking east across the lake to the Green Mountains and west into the high peaks.  I was also the only person on the summit, which is always a plus. 

Another killer day in the high country.

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