Thursday, February 27, 2014

#5 Mt. Carter Dome, New Hampshire

On Columbus Day weekend back in 2008, Christian and I traveled to northeastern New Hampshire to hit the Carter-Moriah range, giving me my first 4,000 footer in NH.  Even though foliage typically comes to NH a bit earlier than in VT, the leaves were still killer and we had some awesome views looking southwest in Tuckerman Ravine on Mt. Washington.  It was so clear we could see all the way up to Maine.

We primarily used the 19-Mile Brook Trail, past the AMC hut and up to Carter Dome.  We continued along the ridge for a mile to Mt. Hight, where the views were even better.  Although Mt. Hight is above 4,000 feet, it's lack of prominence in comparison to nearby Carter Dome does not qualify it for 4,000 footer status. 

A ten mile loop hike in beautiful fall weather made for a killer Columbus Day weekend.  Unfortunately I wasn't able to scrounge up any pictures.  Dang.

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