Thursday, February 27, 2014

#3 Mt. Abraham and #4 Mt. Ellen, Vermont

Come to think of it, the three times I've hiked Mt. Ellen have been in some sort of ridge traverse including a hike up Mt. Abraham.  I've never hiked it alone.  But what a wonderful ridge it is!  Once you get up to Mt. Abe, you basically just roll over the tops of some less significant peaks until you climb back up to Mt. Ellen.  Ellen has okay views, looking east, but the best views of the ridge are from Mt. Abe, where you can see in all directions on a clear day.

In September of 2008 I did a gap-to-gap hike, starting at the Lincoln gap and ending at the Appalachian gap for a total of just under 12 miles.  Another summit of Abe and Ellen was during an overnight Long Trail trip with Dave in 2009, and my most recent summit was on a 14 mile day hike with Sam last month.  We took the Battell trail up Mt. Abe, took the long trail across the top to Mt. Ellen, and then backtracked to our car.  It made for a long one, particularly in the snow, but it was gorgeous. 

Along with Camel's Hump and Mansfield, Mt. Abe is starting to become another "go-to" hike for me.  A nice easy, accessible 6 mile hike that gets you to the wonderful little town of Bristol, VT.  Nothing better!

Here are some pictures of some Mt. Abe and Mt. Ellen hikes...


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