Thursday, February 27, 2014

# 11 Mount Mousilauke, New Hampshire

On a summer weekend last June, I trekked down to Hanover, NH and was treated to a delightful hike of Mt. Mousilauke in the southern section of the NH high peaks with some wonderful people.  The views weren't spectacular as it was a cloudy day, but fortunately the clouds were high enough above the summit that we were at least able to see west to Killington and up to the Franconia Ridge.  I can't remember the exact mileage, but it believe it was somewhere between six and seven miles.  I was also treated to a lovely dinner at the Mousilauke Ravine Lodge, staffed and operated by past and present members of the Dartmouth Outing Club.  

No pictures on this one.  As I'm chronicling these hikes I'm realizing that I need to do a better job of taking pictures.  Ah well.

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