Friday, February 28, 2014

#12 Mount Katahdin (Baxter Peak), Maine

This past summer I took a wonderful trip up to Maine for some hiking and some down time.  I spent a few days in Acadia and decided to round out the trip with a jaunt up Baxter Peak, the highest point on Mount Katahdin.  Had I realized that Hamlin Peak, also on Katahdin, was itself a separate 4,000 footer I would have hit that one as well.  Oh well.  Another excuse to get back up to Baxter State Park.

We left mindboggling early from our campsite in Acadia and drove to Baxter, setting off on the trail at about 9:30am.  The park rangers told us we may not have enough time to make it all the way up to Baxter and back (10 miles round trip) and then to our campsite (2.5 miles from the parking lot), but we were feeling ambitious. 

It was a weird day, weather-wise.  The clouds were moving in and out so fast that we didn't have many lasting views, but a few breathtaking glimpses at the acres and acres of land within BSP was worth the trip.  The worst part?  The black flies.  Oh man, it was nearly unbearable coming down "The Saddle," a steep decent into Chimney Ponds Campground.  After that it wasn't so bad until the sun went down.  

The highlight of the hike was most definitely the Knife Edge, a mile long section of trail separating Pamola Peak and Baxter Peak.  It was essentially a rock scramble over a series of mini-peaks with unstable footing that at times made me believe I may be falling to my death.  In an odd way, it was a killer feeling.  Nothing like the fear of death to make you feel alive!

All in all, it was an awesome trip, culminating with conquering the highest peak in Maine!  Lesson learned?  Next time I go to Baxter (and there will be a next time) I won't go in late June, which apparently is the worst time of year for black flies.

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